Max Payne

Short but sweet is the best way to describe Max Payne. The game will definitely leave you wanting more not only in terms of the game but in your hardware as well. We debuted this benchmark in our Detonator 4/XP and Radeon 8500 articles. The guys at 3D Center have great instructions on how to benchmark Max Payne (including how to use the AnandTech benchmark).

The standings in Max Payne don't change much from what we've already seen. The performance gaps between the cards definitely shrink as Max Payne is actually highly dependent on CPU/platform performance, even at 1024 x 768. This is why the Ti 500 is only 7% faster than the GeForce3 and why the GeForce3 and the GeForce3 Ti 200 are only separated by 6 percentage points.

The GeForce2 Ti 200, GeForce2 Pro and Radeon 500 fall into the usual clump and the trailing two candidates don't change much either.


As usual, the only change here is that the performance difference between the cards increase with memory bandwidth differences. The GeForce3 Ti 500 now commands a 16% lead over the GeForce3; over twice the lead it held at 1024 x 768.

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