EasyLook — Squint no more

Since ATI's Multimedia Center 8.0, there have been two new versions introduced with a significant (new) visual feature implemented: EasyLook (in Multimedia Center 8.5 and greater). ATI has recognized the use of their remote (Remote Wonder) in combination with an AIW card for home entertainment. It often means that the user will be sitting on the couch with about 10+ feet between them and the TV/display. As a result, changing the channel with small fonts is straining on the eyes, and this still lacks the versatility that a set top box would bring.

After all, with a cable TV set top box and a PVR, TV listings and the ability to set recordings become fully interact able with nice large fonts. Setting a TV show to auto record becomes that much harder when you have to squint to confirm that you had set it up correctly. EasyLook is a clean and easy-to-use interface that is reminiscent of Windows XP Multimedia Center Edition, and we have found this to be an invaluable tool. To be perfectly honest, we continue to be amazed, having survived the use of past All-in-Wonders without this feature…

You can still use a keyboard to access all, plus more, functions of a Remote Wonder. At a distance of 10+ feet, cables will get cumbersome, and we recommend sticking to the remote. A wireless keyboard still isn't the same as a remote for us. We try and keep the other hand free for our snacks...

New to Multimedia Center 8.6 is channel surfing in EasyLook, which makes everything nice and neat. Instead of constantly flipping through the channels, channel surfing in EasyLook provides a way to preview 6 or 24 channels at once. If your tuner receives more than 24 channels, EasyLook channel surf automatically displays thumbnail images to be viewed in a 4 x 6 grid. Less than 24 channels, the grid automatically configures itself into a 2 x 3 grid. This does mean that the 2 x 3 grid will display the thumbnail images larger than in the 4 x 6 grid.


There is one glitch that we found in EasyLook that hasn't seemed to be resolved. Since EasyLook extends itself into other parts of Multimedia Center (DVD, File Player, etc.), we decided to tinker around a bit in those areas. We found that in File Player, changing the time dialog to display “remaining time” wouldn't transfer over to EasyLook, though it did in EasyLook DVD. Instead, the information bar would still read “Elapsed time” and show the time ticking down.

Multimedia Center anew - Integrated Media Burning & Muvee Conclusion
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  • Anonymous User - Thursday, October 16, 2003 - link

  • Anonymous User - Thursday, October 16, 2003 - link

    Will the AIW 9600 Pro fit in SFF computers like the Shuttles?
  • Anonymous User - Thursday, October 16, 2003 - link

    Anand... fo rizzle dawg! Fix dat price engine yo. You my homey an all dat, but you ain't gettin you no invite to da crib to tip any mo fo-ties until you git up in dat...fer reel... the AIW has been on da shelves at Allstarshop and GameVe ALL WEEK. Now Newegg got that hotness an it still ain't up on dat $hizzle. aight... me out.
  • Andrew Ku - Thursday, October 16, 2003 - link

    #1, #2 - There really isn't any point to benchmark this card. Keep in mind that it is basically the same as the Radeon 9600 Pro, just with All-in-Wonder features.

    #4 - This is a mainstream model of All-in-Wonder. DVI was left out as a result of space and cost issues.
  • Anonymous User - Thursday, October 16, 2003 - link

    no dvi?? :(
  • Anonymous User - Thursday, October 16, 2003 - link

    The tone of the article seems to imply that we should not expect an AIW 9600XT. Rats! I was hoping for one by Christmas.
  • Hardtarget - Thursday, October 16, 2003 - link

    Yes, i'm also dissapointed there weren't some gaming benchmarks, even if just there was just a couple basic ones. I'm not fond of when it says "look at other article for benchmarks" etc...
  • Anonymous User - Thursday, October 16, 2003 - link

    Great article...could have used some gaming benchmarks though. I would have probabaly bought the AIW version over the standard 9600 PRO if it had been around when I upgraded my system 2-3 months ago :(

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