Mental Ray

Between Mental Ray and POV-Ray, we should see our largest taxing of the floating point in a real world scenario. 

We ran Mental Ray 3.3.3 from the command line on the same benchmark file we have been using in the past. Unfortunately we do not have access to 64-bit Maya/Mental Ray binaries at this time, but we are working with AW.

Mental Ray 3.3.1

The Opteron outperforms the Nocona in this benchmark but we would like to see x86_64 tests in the future.



POV-Ray was installed from RPM, and then run against the official benchmark.ini.

POV-Ray 3.50c

As we can see above, the difference between the two CPUs seems exaggerated and difficult to trust.  We are working with the POV-Ray team to determine why the differences are so dramatic.

Chess Benchmarks Synthetic Benchmarks
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  • JGunther - Thursday, August 12, 2004 - link

    Yeah... this reivew (to me) proves that Kris is a good, well-intentioned guy, as he put aside his own personal time to re-do these benchmarks. But the results within also prove how utterly inaccurate the first review was, thus justifying (some of) the criticism he recieved.

    I can see that you did learn at least one lesson, Kris; there are no claims in the conclusion of the Opteron "trouncing" the Xeon this time (even though such a remark may be justified now). :)
  • thatsright - Thursday, August 12, 2004 - link

    Now will all of you A-Holes get off KrizK's & AT editorial staff's back!!

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