Intel Quietly Introduces 945 with a Roar
Intel has been relatively quiet recently, with the exception of their incredible dual core showing at the most recent IDF.
In their recent tradition of being silent about things, Intel has quietly launched their mainstream 945 chipset. The 945 chipset's most attractive feature is its support for Intel's dual core processors and the fact that it is Intel's most affordable chipset with dual core support.

Intel had an absolutely massive wall full of 945 based motherboards at the show. It was by far the largest wall of motherboards of a single chipset present at the show.

Interestingly enough, only a couple of the motherboards were BTX solutions - a big change from previous shows where Intel had shown tons of BTX samples.

The other unique thing for Intel platforms at the show seems to be pseudo-SLI for Intel 945/955 chipsets. Motherboard manufacturers are outfitting their Intel based motherboards with two PCI Express x16 slots; although, only one is electrically a x16, whereas the other is a x4.

Of course, without NVIDIA driver support, you can't actually run in SLI mode on 945 motherboards - although NVIDIA claims that they are working on supporting Intel's chipsets.
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ArneBjarne - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - link
Reflex - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - link
#15 - Nope, the cards I mention have superior output to DD, however they will pass on DD content just fine to a reciever in digital mode if your source is encoded. DD is a lower end standard, its compression and no quality sound card will use lossy compression on audio by default.If quality sound is important to you, you can simply run 3 analog lines to a reciever and have a better sound experience than Soundstorm from virtually any modern card. And the ones I reccomended will give you a superior sound experience to Soundstorm for a reasonable price.
Granted, running a single cable is nice and all, but saving five minutes of time is not worth degraded sound to anyone who cares about audio quality and accuracy.
missleman - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - link
Plenty of sound cards that offer dolby digital live output? Where are you looking? None of the ones you suggested offer that. Too many people just completly fail to realize the importance of DD encoding and how it fits perfectly in a home theater setting. There is NO replacement. PCM is not good enough.#2 and 3,
Go find me a SSD that costs $50 empty. Found one yet?
Ok, lets make it "easier"- find me a SSD that has a BIOS chip on it, or is connected over a SATA/PATA/SCSI so it is bootable. (The only ones I've seen that even qualify are external SCSI ones that are like upwards of $10,000- now granted it's been a long long time since I've looked, but I havn't found any that would qualify to fit in a segment that a high end home user would be able to afford). Considering the cheapest SSD cards i've seen are upwards of $500 empty, one could populate the $50 card with 4 Gig for the same cost as, say the rocket drive...empty, which cannot be booted. a $50 MSRP puts the card in the "affordable segment" for the first time. 4 Gig is plenty for the OS + some more frequently used apps. Heck with 2 of those I could remove the hard drive in my HTPC and have enough room for everything plus some room to record tv shoes (moving anything I want to save to a remote data server.) Which would REALLY make my HTPC silent, as the HD is the only thing you can hear right now, the one slow spinning(5 volted) fan makes virtually no noise.
Reflex - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - link
#8 - There are plenty of sound cards with far superior sound quality to the SoundStorm without the Creative name on them. On the cheap you can get a Turtle Beach Santa Cruz, which is still a top notch sound solution. For a bit more money you can pick up an M-Audio Revolution 7.1, which simply has no equal in the consumer audio market.No reason to cry over spilt milk. SS was great for an integrated solution, but it didn't compete with stand alone solutions at all.
shaw - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - link
Stability is just one reboot away.WooDaddy - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - link
Tell me that Iwill SFF isn't sweet?! Dual CPU with SLI in a SFF case? Wow...I still like my slow Mac mini though :)
semo - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - link
porkster, amd does not have enough market share to command form factor trends. btx was intel's brainchild but it is consumers and case and mobo manufacturers that are holding back the btx take up.ImJacksAmygdala - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - link
#8 Don't worry now that Nvidia has abandoned Sound Storm I can now consider the ATI Crossfire paired with the HDA Digital XMystique 7.1 sound card that has Dolby Live. This way I can get a dual R520 system with H.264 GPU acceleration and surround sound in games using a single digital coax to my Onkyo HT-S770.porkster - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - link
I wanted BTX when I purchased my latest system, but there were no one selling them or making the boards witht he form factor.I'm sick of AMD keeping the market behind.
yacoub - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - link
Did you have a chance to lament to NVidia execs the loss of SoundStorm2 that was intially spec'd for NForce4?I still enjoy the SoundStorm digital coax output on my NForce2 Deluxe board to my Z-680s. I loathe the thought of ever having to buy a Creative Labs soundcard again so I will have to hunt down a board with decent onboard sound, hoping to find one at least as good as SoundStorm was. =\