Far Cry Performance

The 7800 GS clearly falls behind in FarCry. The X850 XT PE just has more to offer here. Interestingly, the X850 XT PE has an increased lead in our AA tests until we push above 1600x1200. While neither the X850 nor the 7800 GS is really playable at 1920x1440, it is interesting to see that the NVIDIA part drops more gracefully in performance here.

Far Cry - No AA

Far Cry - 4X AA

Battlefield 2 Performance F.E.A.R. Performance
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  • APKasten - Thursday, February 2, 2006 - link

    No. It could be considered a contradictory statement. An oxymoron is a phrase, not a sentence. ;)

    But I still disagree with you. Since AGP is still a viable platform for playing current games. In fact, the 7800 GS keeps AGP systems relevant, because it puts an AGP card on the market that utilizes the most advanced kinds of mainstream video technology.
  • Alphafox78 - Thursday, February 2, 2006 - link

  • JWalk - Thursday, February 2, 2006 - link

    I would be interested in seeing the scores from the eVGA version of this card. It has significantly higher clock speeds. I would expect that it gives quite a bit better scores. As it stands now though, if I were looking for an AGP card, I would look toward the X850 XT. The non-PE version can be found for $250 or less. The stock-clocked 7800 GS is a nice card, but not a very good deal at $300 or more.

    So, to conclude, looking forward to some numbers from the over-clocked eVGA 7800 GS. :-)
  • neogodless - Thursday, February 2, 2006 - link

    Unfortunately, comparing this card only to cards that are PCI Express only or you won't be upgrading from (like the X850XT PE) is kind of pointless...

    I say this because I think the question worth asking is "Is this card a viable upgrade for AGP users", so you would want to compare it to cards like the 6800GT, 6800, 6600GT, and perhaps those Radeon counterparts. Then, having the X850 line in there for comparison would give you a good idea as to which you'd want to upgrade to.
  • Alphafox78 - Thursday, February 2, 2006 - link

    I second this, why not put in a 6800GT or Ultra? if you have a 6800 card it would be nice to know if this card is faster. I stopped reading after I found out there were no cards I found usefull to compare it against..
  • OvErHeAtInG - Thursday, February 2, 2006 - link

    Also, both the X850 XT and X800 XT were available in AGP. I think the poster was looking for a way to get SM3.0 by swapping out his X850 XT AGP ?
  • DerekWilson - Thursday, February 2, 2006 - link

    The PCIe numbers are useful to AGP users in that it shows where the cutoff between the highest possible AGP performance is and the next step up in performance possible on a PCIe platform.

    That being said, we are planning on looking at the AGP version of the X1600 as compared to the AGP 6800 GS, so we will certainly revisit this issue.

    Derek Wilson
  • fishbits - Thursday, February 2, 2006 - link

    Huh? If you're using AGP and looking to upgrade the video card, what does it matter what the PCIe cards are scoring? If you'd decided to go PCIe, pretty much any of the cards out would be better in one way or another. Maybe just throw in one 7800 GT or such for that comparison. What's "useful" to someone looking to uprade an AGP card is how it will perform compared to what he has, a 6600GT, 6800GT, 6800GS (AGP version), a 97-9800 and a few of the XXX800XLXXLX X's. That's what they need to be able to see if the card's worth it, or maybe it is time for them to switch to PCIe. Speaking of which:

    The cost of keeping up with the pace of technology is certainly steep, so upgrade cycles for some people stretch quite a bit longer than others.

    AT's been on this jag for a while now. It was just 18 months ago you were recommending an AGP board as your "Editors Choice" to readers. While some upgrade more frequently, I don't see the guy who buys a top-of-the-line mobo and expects to get two years out of it as in the same category as the guy trying to nurse his Sempron system along. Oh well, at least it's better than when PCIe was available for less than a year and offering zero performance benefits compared to AGP, yet AT was insisting that avid gamers shouldn't expect to see any new AGP products.
  • GoatMonkey - Thursday, February 2, 2006 - link


    XXX800XLXXLX X's.

    You forgot a few "T"s.

  • hshendon - Thursday, February 2, 2006 - link

    Anyone know what the numbers are for the same tests for a 6800 Ultra?

    I think I am happy to see that there is a 7800 part for the AGP users out there like me, but I am not sure if I should get it because I can never find comparisons to the 6800 Ultra.

    I know I would get the better shader model and more pixel pipelines, but what does that really mean in a head to head comparison?

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