Application Performance using Winstone 2004

Winstone 2004 consists of two different benchmark suites; the Business Winstone test focuses on office applications, while the Multimedia Content Creation benchmark contains many audio/visual applications that are more CPU limited. Realistically, we wouldn't put too much stock in the Business Winstone test, as the majority of applications will spend their time waiting on the user.

General Performance - Winstones 2004

General Performance - Winstones 2004

Looking at the results, the Core 2 Extreme comes out ahead of the FX-62 by 9% and 10% in the Business and MCC tests, respectively. The Core 2 Duo E6300 on the other hand takes a 5% lead over the X2 3800+ in the business test, and basically ties with it in the MCC results. For the price/performance segment, the result is basically a tie, while the Core 2 Extreme continues to maintain a 10% or higher lead in the maximum performance arena.

Application Performance using PC WorldBench 5 3D Rendering Performance using 3dsmax 7 & CineBench 9.5
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  • bob661 - Friday, July 14, 2006 - link


    This is a paper launch, and there's a variety of political reasons for it. Among the reasons:
    I would like to know about the AMD EE CPU's myself. I forgot about those.
  • bob661 - Friday, July 14, 2006 - link

    LOL! I got modded down because some of you clowns don't like to be accused of being hypocrites. So I'll ask a question. What's the difference between launching a video card and not having product available and launching a CPU and not having product available? I hear NO bitching at all on this. Why is that?
  • epsilonparadox - Friday, July 14, 2006 - link

    I don't get where you're seeing its not available. According to a poster above,


    Your screenshots with cpuid have the stepping as a B1 stepping 5 Conroe - I bought a retail Conroe X6800, and it was a stepping 6 revB2

    How are we being hypocrites?
  • bob661 - Friday, July 14, 2006 - link


    How are we being hypocrites?
    Beacuse this is a paper launch and no one's complaining but when ATI/Nvidia does the same thing everyone and their mom's are bitching and complaining. Hypocracy!
  • Shintai - Saturday, July 15, 2006 - link

    How can be it a paper launch when Intel first launches it July 27th?

    After July 27th you can start whine...
  • epsilonparadox - Friday, July 14, 2006 - link

    How could it be considered a paper launch if there are posters above you complaining the their OC results of the C2Ds that they bought and have in their possession aren't as good as AT's?
  • bob661 - Friday, July 14, 2006 - link


    I don't get where you're seeing its not available. According to a poster above,
    One poster gave a link to Newegg but there's nothing there. I searched the site and saw nothing. I also checked ZZF and Monarch. Nothing there. If this CPU is available, why can't I buy it?
  • epsilonparadox - Friday, July 14, 2006 - link

    As you said yourself before, the supply is tight hence the ridiculous price. If they've been available then they were already bought.">Check
    Its temporarily sold out but the orders placed when it was in stock were shipping july 5th.
  • bob661 - Friday, July 14, 2006 - link

    That's a little high but not out of line. I paid $400 for my 3500 and this is MUCH faster. I am surprised that no one here has one of these since they were released earlier.
  • Questar - Friday, July 14, 2006 - link

    Because people were able to buy these four days ago?

    Because the official launch is still two weeks away?

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