General Applications-

WinRAR 3.9 x64

This benchmark compresses our AT workload consisting of a main folder that contains 954MB of files in 15 subfolders. The result is a file approximately 829MB in size.

Application Performance - WinRAR 3.90 x64

Microsoft Excel 2007 SP1


Excel can be a very powerful mathematical tool. In this benchmark, we are running a large Monte Carlo simulation on stock pricing data to estimate the riskiness of an investment portfolio.

Application Performance - Excel 2007

Adobe Lightroom 2.4 x64

Lightroom is a quick and easy to use program for batch conversions on digital photos. We perform a standard conversion of 50 RAW images into the JPEG format.

Application Performance - Lightroom 2.4 x64

Bibble 5.0

We utilize Bibble Labs’ Bibble 5 v2 to convert 50 RAW image files into full size JPEG images with the program’s default settings. This program is fully multithreaded and multi-core aware.

Application Performance - Bibble 5 Pro

Windows Live Movie Maker

We utilize our standard HD video file, add music, and start/ending transition effects.

Application Performance - Windows Live Movie Maker 14
Video/Audio Gaming
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  • goinginstyle - Saturday, October 10, 2009 - link

    It's on the front page. A change up in the article layout from all indications. It's different but good in my opinion as there is no need is reading the same stuff twice.
  • Minion4Hire - Sunday, October 11, 2009 - link

    I really liked it. Keeps everything concise. You get a full synopsis on one page, and yet all the benchmarks and hard numbers are still available if you want to compare. It's really a great format for those who just want to get the feel of a product; they don't have to skim page after page looking to compile useful relevant snippets of information.

    Again, I REALLY like this format. And I'm a benchmark junkie! :D
  • Mahomedsmith - Thursday, December 30, 2010 - link

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