We usually spend a lot of time talking about a monitor in its native resolution but rarely about an image when it is scaled.  As a result, we decided to include a couple high resolution pictures of the screen scaled on different resolutions.  In our opinion, if you get an LCD you want to run it on the native resolution as much as possible.

1280 x 1024 (native)

Click to Enlarge
Click to Enlarge

This is the best the image is going to look, the native resolution allows for one physical pixel per pixel on the display.

1024 x 768

Click to Enlarge
ClearType Off

Click to Enlarge
Click to Enlarge

The image has scaled considerably.  Using Microsoft ClearType, text from any document looks much more readable.

800 x 600

Click to Enlarge
Click to Enlarge

Click to Enlarge
Click to Enlarge

Compared to other monitors, this LCD scales extremely well.  Gaming was not an issue, even on Counter Strike which does not natively support 1280 x 1024. Below is a picture of Rise of Nations running at the non-native resolution of 1024 x 768.

Click to Enlarge
Click to Enlarge
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  • elessar072 - Friday, November 21, 2003 - link

    OMG...people i need help. I live in Montreal, Canada and i really i want to buy this monitor but wherever i go they only offer me the 191T+ and i want the 192T ! One bcz it looks so kewl and second because it's better then the 191T. What's the difference between 191t+ and 192T except the look and the speakers? Does anyone know a good online store where i can buy the monitor with shipment to canada for a regular price...i have 850$ for a lcd 19".

    Please help me if you know...i found something neutroncanada.com but it looks aweful and i dont know if i should trust them.

  • Anonymous User - Saturday, August 9, 2003 - link

    The VX900 is an awful monitor. I feel sorry for your horrible experience. To go from a 192T to a VX900 is like going from an audi s8 to a honda civic.
  • Anonymous User - Monday, July 28, 2003 - link

    I just to say that I bought one of these monitors. I liked it, but when I took it home and connected it, there they were, I got burnt pixels right out of the box. I returned it and got another. The same thing happened again. As a matter of fact, I ended up returning it four times. I payed $750 and I don't think that for that amount I should be dealing with these problems. I contacted Samsung and was told that they had not experienced any problems, but I did, four times! That's too bad because the monitor was really nice looking. I ended up buying the ViewSonic VX900. I must say that I've had no problems of any kind. I don't know if I made the right choice, but I'm very happy with my choice. Thanks.
  • Anonymous User - Sunday, July 20, 2003 - link

    "pixel pitch: 0.264mm"

    How can it be?

  • mikato - Thursday, April 4, 2013 - link

    I have this monitor and it is still awesome and going strong 10 years later. Color is fantastic and still beats any TN panels out there. Great looking too. I am finally in the market for a 24" though :)

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