Quake III Arena - Athlon 750 (cont)

The KYRO shows its might at 1280x1024x32 once again. The card was able to outperform the 64MB DDR GeForce by a hardly noticeable .4 FPS, but beat the 32 MB DDR GeForce by a more impressive 2.1 FPS. Expect this performance gain to rise even more as drivers finalize and core and memory speeds move up 10 more MHz.


Once again the KYRO is able not only to hold its own but also gain a bit of edge over the GeForce DDR cards in 32-bit color. The only thing in KYRO's way is the GeForce 2 GTS and the Voodoo5 5500 by a small amount.

Quake III Performance: Athlon 750 Q3 Quaver Performance: Pentium III 550E
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