OpenGL Performance - Serious Sam

It appears that the slight lead that the CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! had in the single texture fillrate benchmark equates to a good sized lead in actual gameplay. At 640x480x32 the CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! rises to the top of the chart by performing 2% faster than the next fastest card.

At 1024x768x32 the CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! is still able to maintain a speed advantage over other GeForce3 offerings. Here the card keeps its 2% performance lead, going 1.8 FPS faster than the ASUS V8700 Deluxe. The difference between cards may be small, but it is always nice to know that the card you purchase is "the fastest," at least in Serious Sam.


The 2% trend continues, as the CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! performs 2% faster than the other GeForce3 cards. At 1600x1200x32 this allowed for a 1.1 FPS gain; not noticeable but still faster.

Real-World Fillrate - Serious Sam DX7 Performance - Unreal Tournament
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